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Updated on: 19th Oct 2021

SOC261 Sociology of Family SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

The course Sociology of Family examines the application of sociological theories and methods to studying family life. The beginning portion, which looks at definitions for families in different cultures throughout time periods as well as some important theoretical concepts around them all, can be very beneficial when it comes down to understanding your own personal relationships with loved ones or even just how others live their lives!

SOC261 Sociology of Family SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

In this course, we will explore the complexity of family life from a cross-cultural perspective. Topics include customs and significance surrounding courtship, wedding ceremonies, marriage selection for parents’ approval or the notary by children from other countries when they get married outside their culture/ethnicity groupings; men’s versus women’s roles within families as well as how these have changed across time due to socioeconomics development around the world – pretty important stuff!

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Learning Outcomes of Sociology of Family SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

Students will be able to learn about this complex and ever-changing subject with the following realistic learning outcomes:

Demonstrate an overview of the main concepts and theories in family sociology

Defining family is difficult because it is a concept with no “precise definition”. The closest thing to it would be “the small group of people who are intimately involved in one another’s lives, typically including blood relations” (Random House Dictionary). Family studies refer to the study of the many social functions that families serve. There are many theories on what makes up an ideal family state. Some believe that traditional patterns affect how society looks at gender roles and divisions of labour within households, while there are others who seek to expand this view with non-traditional arrangements.

The Sociology of Family argues that families are institutionally arranged patterns of bestowing, withholding, and exchanging power to create access to our social life. What this means is that families can be seen as coherent units with historically developed ways for tracking information about who should exercise power over whom. Using the Census Bureau’s definition of family (two or more people living together related by birth, marriage, or adoption), it’s safe to say that “family” is the primary support network in the society wherein children are usually raised. The family also provides economic stability because people can live off their relatives without having to work.

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Apply theories and perspectives in family sociology to social phenomena and problems

The Sociology of the Family studies the different types, structures, and functions – intergenerational, marriage bond, status family’s influence on society. It also investigates how people live together in families. The idea is that you don’t have to be related by blood or law to claim one another as family. This concept has been around for millennia varying in manifestation based on where you are geographically located. There are many more facets of families outside of what is depicted here but these are some dominant themes within sociologists’ investigations into the space under “family”.

Recognise the main methodological approaches in family sociology research

There are three main methodological approaches currently used in family sociology research; qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. Qualitative research utilizes interviews and observation data to gain a deeper understanding of the social world. Quantitative investigations involve surveying or other means by which quantitative information is collected (surveys), including experimental designs where participants are randomly allocated to groups that are given different treatments (experiments). Lastly, Mixed Methods involves qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques because it recognizes the importance of both ideas about family life as well as opinion poll results or time series data on population health.

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Analyse main family trends across cultures, on evidence-based research

Analysis of family trends is problematic with the diversity of cultures evidenced in the modern world. A large-scale research study has found that there are no major structural differences between nuclear and extended families groups. That is to say that if parents have aunts or uncles who live nearby they will likely see them frequently. So with this in mind, it can be said with relative certainty that families do not share anyone trait based on structure alone, but instead, the shared values are the key similarity over kinship ties.

Inspect the dynamics of family behaviour and the influence of internal and external factors on family life

There are many factors that influence family life. Internal factors may include personality traits or mental health; external factors may include the family’s social and economic situation. External factors significantly affect a person’s wellbeing, meaning that parents can have a powerful impact on their child’s future by ensuring they have a safe and healthy lifestyle that provides for needs such as food, shelter, and medical care.

Along with this, there are also effects of parental behaviour on children which influences their development from infancy onwards. As an infant develops motor skills this gives them opportunities to explore new territories whereas at 8-12 months old they develop cognitive skills enabling the use of symbols – both giving the ability to represent thoughts in different ways but also learn from others behaviour based on modelling alone.

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Examine the influence of the state and policy on family life

Family life and family policy cannot be understood apart from each other. The state and its policies influence the quality of family life. At the same time, the state needs to understand that there is a reciprocal relationship between people’s families and their wider communities, schools, neighbourhoods, and so forth. With these mutual influences in mind, it becomes clear that investment in support for healthy relationships between partners is as much an investment as building new highways or hospitals–it improves social cohesion among those who need it most.

Determine the most reliable studies on family trends in the literature

There are a lot of different study designs and contexts to take into consideration, as well as the population being studied. All of these considerations will affect the reliability of each study.

Overall, it seems that most studies show that people from two-parent families tend to be wealthier and score better on standardized tests than those from single-parent familial backgrounds, but some have shown mixed results on this subject so there might not be a clear consensus. It would be best for anyone looking for a definite answer about family trends in the literature to speak with an expert in their field before making any final conclusions.

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Review the overall usefulness of family research plans

The Family Research Plan is a planning process for genealogists, ethnologists, and others who are engaged in family history work. The plan provides direction about the scope, sources to be used, and methodology that will be employed during descendants’ search for their parents or ancestors. It contains essential terms that need to be addressed in in-person interviews; it also outlines ways for the planned organization of information with help from relatives.

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