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Updated on: 9th Apr 2021

Stakeholder Value Essay Sample

This essay sample is on Stakeholder Value Essay for Singapore students. we will explore What is stakeholder value? Different perspectives, Importance of stakeholder value, Stakeholder value vs Shareholder value, etc.

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If you need to do a stakeholder value essay, this example is an excellent guide. You can download the PDF file for free and follow along with our Stakeholders Value Essay prompt or request one custom-made just like what Singapore students did!

Introduction- Stakeholder Value Essay

The concept of Stakeholder value is a widely used and common one in the realm of companies and organizations in Singapore. However, it might not be common to you. That’s why in this sample essay we shall be discussing this topic.

Moreover, it is quite an important topic for students of management and business. For the same reason, we shall be providing all the necessary information required.

Main body- Stakeholder Value Essay

What is stakeholder value?

The term “Stakeholder value” refers to the practice of creating a considerable level of return for stakeholders of the concerned organization. Those are the entities who have an interest in the given business. They can be investors, employees, customers, as well as suppliers.

In addition to this, it is not a task that is looked after by the company but a philosophy of the company to work by. For the same reason, it concerns itself with more than just financial value, ROT, and other such processes. Regardless, tries to achieve better product performance, better governance, Improved employee policy,  as well as better payment channels.

Moreover, it is quite a wide and complex concept and goes beyond common value. As the latter focuses on cash flow and net profits. We shall be looking at these in detail later on in the sample essay.

Different perspectives 

In this section of the sample essay, we shall be looking at the different perspectives under value approach. These are, as mentioned below:

  • Government Perspective
  • General Public Perspective
  • Audit Perspective
  • Employee Perspective
  • Supplier Perspective
  • Investor and Ownership Perspective
  • Customer Perspective

Moving on, we shall be looking at the importance of the same in the next section of this sample essay. So without further adieu:

Importance of stakeholder value

In the previous section, we say the definition and a general overview of stakeholder value. This must have provided readers an idea about why it is an important part of an organization. Regardless, in this section of the sample essay we shall be looking at it in brief:

This value becomes important in any given singaporean organization as it greatly concerns the general management of the concerned organization. Plus, the stakeholder value approach can affect the overall performance of the organization considerably. While using this approach properly serves in the interest of all the stakeholders connected to the organization, the opposite is also equally true.

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Stakeholder value vs Shareholder value

We briefly discussed the difference between stakeholder value and shareholder value. In this section of the sample essay, we shall be looking at the same in detail.

As we discussed, stakeholder value taking into consideration every aspect of the organization. Consequently, any action under this approach affects stakeholders. This effect can be negative as well as positive. Moreover, it is based on improving the organization in singapore as a whole. In contrast to this, the shareholder value approach focuses on just improving the value provide to share older. Thus, only focuses on improving the cash flow and profit.


The stakeholders are the people who have a vested interest in your business, whether it is employees, shareholders, or customers. Understanding how to manage these stakeholder relationships can help you create an organization that will last for years and thrives even in the most challenging environments. We hope this article has given you some ideas on what steps you should take to ensure your company’s success.

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