State-led Development Strategies In Singapore Essay Sample
In this essay sample on State-led Development Strategies in Singapore, we will discuss state-led development meaning, state-led development theory, state-led vs market-led development, state-led development strategy in Singapore, state-led development model for Singaporeans, state-led development examples, etc.
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There are many State-led Development Strategies in Singapore and this essay example can be very helpful to understand them. If you need help with your schoolwork and download this essay sample, don’t hesitate on contacting our company because we’ll provide custom-made essays according to what’s best for a particular college or university needs!
Introduction- State-led Development Strategies in Singapore Essay
The Singaporean government has been using state-led development strategies to promote economic growth. They have a lot of success, but it is important not to lose track of the individual needs and wants of citizens.
Main body- State-led Development Strategies in Singapore Essay
State-led development meaning
State-led development is a development where the state has a key role in initiating, planning, financing, directing, and evaluating economic growth.
State-led development is not solely about generating economic growth or providing social services. It involves much more than simply managing macroeconomic variables like exchange rates, money supply volumes, and interest rates. The state also controls enterprises ranging from manufacturing to retailing to tourism industries.
Investments are done through Singaporean government agencies rather than relying on private capital markets which are less inclined to take risks because they lack complete information. The public sector lies at the core of many economies via public ownership of utilities such as transport systems, communication services, and energy production facilities among other things.
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State-led development theory
In the economic sense, state-led development theory views markets as inherently inefficient and prone to irrational decisions. Rules created by a central authority are often a more efficient way of creating a rational market environment. This can be initiated through Singaporean government intervention or through projects administered by nonprofit Singaporean organizations cooperating with the state. Problems typically faced in this regard include accessibility, discrimination, inadequate distribution networks, inadequate access to capital for small firms and entrepreneurs, among others.
A significant shortcoming associated with state-led development theory is its inability to address inequalities without potentially exacerbating them in an act of well-intentioned social engineering. Notably, when the poor Singaporeans must depend on states for employment they will inevitably lack many of the human rights that wealthy individuals enjoy when working their way up the social ladder.
State-led development theory focuses on achieving a strong and stable economy first before implementing policies to alleviate poverty, which can be challenging because it requires policymakers not only to understand complex economic issues but also to ensure that there is no political interference in their decision-making processes.
State-led vs market-led development
Market-led development is when the government gives people enough freedom in how they build their economies e.g. choose what products to produce, buy land where they wish, sell their goods at whatever price they want, etc. It’s very difficult for markets to develop on their own when there are volatile political conditions or economic crises that prevent certain sectors from functioning properly. So it turns out that without government intervention in some form or another, markets might not be optimal when you’re looking for an efficient allocation of resources over time which leads us back to state-led development.
State-Led Development is the direct governance of production and trade by a governing elite within a set territory via regulation and enforcement of both traditional roles and capitalist models in order to benefit the elite.
State-led development is led by the state that builds up industries in order to produce goods for consumption within its politically defined territorial limits.
Market-led development is led either by individual traders, or private companies (foreign investors) who attempt to create an export market for their home country’s products.
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State-led development strategies in Singapore
Under the state-led development strategy in Singapore, there is a heavy reliance on foreign direct investment (FDI). The main goal of such an approach is to bring in funds and expertise from abroad to create jobs and make Singapore more competitive at the global level.
A few challenges come with this, namely siphoning or diverting personal income generated from rents generated by Singaporean citizens. Rent controls on long-term tenancies and low wage increases for workers means that more of their money goes into landlords’ pocket instead of family expenditures. This leads to control housing rental costs that exceed more than 200% since before the 1970s when families could reasonably afford 100 square foot units without difficulty.
The government of Singapore’s approach to state-led development is premised on its four national core values. These core values are “Equality, Meritocracy, Enterprise and People;” which is a system that embraces socio-economic improvement as the rationale for state intervention. The central points of this system focus on equality of opportunity and social equity as well as an equitable distribution of wealth for all Singaporeans through fair taxation policies.
In applying these principles, the government implements a deliberate set-out process led by planners from various disparate sectors with bases in science and administration who render systematic analyses before then initiating a plan or policy initiative if deemed relevant to the situation at hand.
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State-led development model for Singaporean
Singapore’s state-led development model has become increasingly outdated. The government has been stifling innovation in the private sector by maintaining stringent curbs on expressions of political opposition, religious activities, and cultural events.
Singapore’s state-led development model is based on the country’s assessment of the needs for economic progress after independence.
Economic Planning Division fought against “multi-level decision-making” by the central government, slum clusters, high-density housing, saving rate is low due to past welfarist are just some of the workforce’s problems. All these have contributed to the high unemployment rate in Singapore. Low employment opportunities lock potential workers into dead ends without hope.
A republic that must now look beyond a single solution or silver bullet approach to address issues. A holistic policy approach with worker training and lifelong learning will be what the country needs to do next for meaningful success over employment parity at all levels of society with dignity and respect.
State-led development examples
South Korea started investing in overseas development aid at the end of the Korean War and has since become one of the world’s largest providers.
The first country to begin state-led economic development and offer foreign aid was Sweden. They immediately became a model for how successful this approach could be because, by the time they began their involvement, Swedish firms controlled 27% percent of the Kenyan industry and 33% of Pakistan’s total exports. From 1945 to 1955, Swedish aid tripled. Also among the first countries to pursue such a policy were Yugoslavia and Poland as well as India from 1947 onward due to Mahatma Gandhi’s vision following WWII that it would be part-and-parcel of independence movements around 1950.
Another example is Singapore has undergone a period of rapid development ever since its independence in 1965. The country’s success is often credited to a single-minded focus on economic growth and stringent law enforcement, especially when it came to laws against corruption. The system combined what the Economist called “crony capitalism” with political authoritarianism.
Chile – Chile underwent an experiment in state-led development from 1973 to 1990 under Augusto Pinochet that saw substantial economic reform but was also marked by repression and human rights violations. The subsequent Chilean model tried both command economies and free markets, with some sectors being government-owned while others were privatized a mix which economist Jaime Guzmán later termed “neoliberalism”.
It is clear that Singapore has emerged as a major player in the global economy. With its state-led development strategies, it will continue to be an economic powerhouse for years to come. The country’s success can be attributed to many factors including government policies and efforts of diverse sectors like business, educational institutions, media industry, civil society organizations, and volunteers.
These groups have helped shape what makes today’s Singapore one of Asia’s most dynamic economies. In order for this trend to continue into the future, these stakeholders need continued support from all levels of government so they may maintain their important roles in shaping tomorrow’s Singapore.
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