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Updated on: 23rd May 2022

SWK104 Human Growth And Life-Span Development (Birth to Adolescence) Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

Human development is a lifelong process that involves physical, cognitive and socioemotional changes. This course covers all of these topics in addition to how they change over time from birth through adolescence years with an emphasis on the lifespan perspective which looks at human life as multidimensional rather than static or limited by age groups like ” prenatal”, ” infancy” etc. The focus will also be placed heavily upon contemporary concerns such as those currently happening within this period between childhood (birth till graduation).

Cognitive development refers to the changes in how we think, remember and reason as we age. This includes improving our ability to understand concepts, solve problems and remember information. Our cognitive abilities also change as a result of new experiences and our continued interaction with the world around us.

This course will provide you with a solid foundation in the knowledge of human growth and life span development as they prepare for their careers. We discuss developmental issues that are relevant to each stage, such as parenting children or adolescents; child abuse/neglect (including its consequences on mental health); juvenile delinquency – all things related to social concerns within our society today which have implications when it comes time become someone’s professional helping them out.

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If you are looking for help with your SWK104 Human Growth and Life-Span Development (Birth to Adolescence) Assignment, then you have come to the right place. At the Singapore Assignment Help Desk, we have a team of expert writers who are well-versed in this subject and can provide you with a high-quality solution that will help you score the grades you desire. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us now to get started.

Human growth and lifespan development refer to the physical, cognitive, and social changes that occur in humans from birth to adolescence. This includes aspects such as physical growth and development, cognitive development, and social and emotional development.

Assignment Task 1: Define the concept of life-span development and the main characteristics of the life-span perspective.

A life-span perspective is a developmental approach that focuses on the entire life course from conception to death. This approach considers the unique experiences and changes that occur across the life span, including physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development.

The main characteristics of the life-span perspective include:

1) Lifespan is malleable – Development does not stop at any point in time; it continues throughout the life course.

2) Multi-dimensional – Development occurs in multiple domains (physical, cognitive, socio-emotional).

3) Contextual – Development occurs within a particular environment or context. 

4) Holistic – Development should be considered as a whole, rather than in parts.

5) Complex – Development is a complex process that is influenced by many factors.

6) Dynamic – Development is constantly changing and moving forward.

7) Individual – Development is unique to each individual.

Assignment Task 2: Discuss the overview of the main theories and research challenges in life-span development.

Life-span development is the field of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social changes throughout the lifespan. Theorists in this field attempt to answer some of the big questions about human development, such as nature vs. nurture effects and what influences aging.

One of the oldest and most influential theories in life-span development is Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. This theory posits that children progress through four distinct stages of cognitive development, each characterized by a different way of thinking about and understanding the world. Although this theory has been critiqued by subsequent researchers, it remains an important starting point for understanding how children’s minds develop over time.

A more recent theory that has gained traction in the field of lifespan development is Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory. This theory argues that children’s cognitive development is shaped by the culture they live in and that interactions with more experienced members of their culture (such as parents, teachers, and older siblings) play a key role in facilitating this development.

Research on lifespan development has also been used to shed light on some of the challenges faced by older adults. For example, research on the topic of memory decline has helped to identify strategies that can be used to improve memory in older adults, and research on social isolation has highlighted the importance of maintaining social connections as we age.

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Assignment Task 3: Identify the major milestones in the human lifespan and the key changes within them.

There are several key milestones in the human lifespan, and each one brings about specific changes within us. Here are some of the most significant ones:

Puberty – This is when our bodies start to develop sexually and we begin to experience fertility. For girls, this usually happens between the ages of 10 and 14, while for boys it typically occurs between 12 and 16. During puberty, we also start to grow taller and our voices begin to change.

Adolescence – Adolescence is generally considered to be the period between Puberty and Young adulthood, which typically lasts from around 13 to 19 years old. It’s during adolescence that we go through some of the biggest changes in our lives, both physically and emotionally. We start to develop our own identities and become more independent from our parents or guardians.

Young adulthood – Young adulthood is typically considered to be the period between 20 and 29 years old. This is when we are usually finishing up our education and starting our careers. We may also get married and have children during this time.

Assignment Task 4: Discuss the contemporary issues in various developmental stages from birth to adolescence.

Several contemporary issues can arise during various developmental stages, from birth to adolescence.

One of the more common issues is developmental delay. This can occur when a child does not reach certain milestones within the expected timeframe. Developmental delays can impact many areas, including speech and language skills, gross and fine motor skills, social skills, and cognitive abilities.

Other issues that may arise include ADHD, anxiety, depression, and an autism spectrum disorder. Each of these disorders can present in different ways and can vary in severity; however, all can cause significant difficulties for those affected by them. It is important to seek professional help if you think your child may be experiencing any of these contemporary issues. Early intervention can make a tremendous difference in the long-term outcome for children with developmental delays or other disorders.

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Assignment Task 5: Apply the knowledge base in life-span development to enhance the understanding of clients from the various age groups.

The lifespan perspective of development emphasizes the patterns of continuity and change in human development across the lifespan. This perspective helps social workers enhance their understanding of clients from various age groups.

During infancy, for example, babies are learning to develop a sense of self and build trust in caregivers. By preschool, children are beginning to explore their independence and learn how to interact with others. Adolescents navigating through puberty are dealing with hormonal changes and developing a sense of identity. And older adults may be coping with retirement, chronic health conditions, and grief.

Social workers can use their knowledge of lifespan development to better understand the challenges and needs of clients at each stage of life. This understanding can help social workers more effectively support and serve their clients.

Assignment Task 6: Analyse the role of life-span development in conducting casework.

Life-span development plays an important role in conducting casework. By understanding the developmental process and stages of life, social workers can better assess cases and identify potential problems or areas of need. Developmental theories can also provide a framework for intervention and support. For example, Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development emphasizes the need for individuals to develop a sense of identity and purpose to lead fulfilled lives. This theory can be applied in the case of work by helping clients to explore their goals and values and develop a plan to achieve them.

In addition to understanding lifespan development, it is also important for social workers to be aware of the different stressors and challenges that individuals may face at different stages of life. This knowledge can help social workers to provide targeted support and assistance to clients. For example, young adults may be struggling with identity formation, while middle-aged adults may be dealing with work-life balance and empty nest syndrome. By understanding the unique challenges faced by different groups, social workers can more effectively help their clients to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.

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