TLL105 Modern Tamil Poetry SUSS Assignment Sample
The TLL105 Modern Tamil Poetry course is a fantastic way to explore the world of Tamil poetry and its rich history. Not only will this course guide you through the basics of poetic composition in Tamil, but also offers insight into how modernity has changed and been reflected through the poetic art form. Through this course, students will learn about the various kinds of orations used in modern Tamil poetry and how they create unique layers of meaning that sometimes even defy translation.
You’ll also be privy to rare glimpses into some of the most memorable works of contemporary Tamil poets who have explored many different themes within the genre. With this exploration and discovery, students can better appreciate their own cultural heritage and gain a newfound appreciation for it as well.
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Instantly access samples from The TLL105 Modern Tamil Poetry course and get ahead of the curve! offers students a convenient way to learn the fundamentals of modern Tamil poetry with samples drawn right from The TLL105 Modern Tamil Poetry course. Gain a competitive edge on your coursework and exams by accessing our wide selection of materials that helps you stay ahead of the curve.’s extensive international library gives you access to resources that promote a better understanding of modernist Indian literary works, perfect for those interested in Tamil literary studies.
Herein, we provide a few assignment briefs for your consideration. These include:
Assignment Brief 1: Describe the poetry of regions and countries such as Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore.
Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore all feature a rich poetic tradition. Poets from these regions draw upon folklore, mythology and religious symbolism to inspire their work. Tamil poets often employ similes and metaphors to create powerful imagery while classical poets from Sri Lanka weave traditional poetics into emotive stories. Malaysian and Singaporean culture provides an eclectic backdrop for the poetry being written in these countries. The uniqueness of each region’s cultural history allows for a diverse range of writing styles and forms of expression within poetry. These regions have inspired many generations of writers to tell captivating stories through words, celebrating life with vibrant language that has been revitalized by modern perspectives.
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Assignment Brief 2: Recognize the contributions of various poets from Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore.
Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore are home to many prolific poets whose work is celebrated both throughout the Southeast Asian region and around the world. Writers such as Cheran and Subramania Bharati from Tamil Nadu as well as Kannadasan and Subrahmanyam Bharathiyar from Sri Lanka have made invaluable contributions to their respective cultures with their poetry. In Malaysia, Muhammad Haji Salleh and S.A.
Hang Tuah stand out for their poignant writing that reflects the struggles of the people they represent. Singaporeans too can take pride in their accomplished writers like Edwin Thumboo and Pang Kong Tee who explore universal themes while reflecting Asian values in their writing. We should always remember and recognize these valuable authors for their dedication to the craft of writing and bringing visibility to Asia through poetry.
Assignment Brief 3: Demonstrate various poetic genres.
Creating poetry is a fun and creative way to express one’s feelings and thoughts. Poetry can be divided into numerous genres, including traditional works such as sonnets, ballads, limericks, haikus, and epics; modern works such as free verse and spoken word; or even more recent works combining musical elements like jazz poetry. Each of these poetic forms has its own rules and structure that makes them distinct from each other. For example, a sonnet has a particular rhyme scheme and contains fourteen lines, while a limerick is characterized by a five-line pattern with an AABBA rhyme scheme. There are countless approaches to each genre so that artists can have plenty of freedom when writing poetry.
Assignment Brief 4: Identify the themes and forms of modern poems from Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore.
Modern poetry from Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Singapore are renowned for the depths of emotion and richness of language used to express their themes. Generally, poems from this region discuss social issues such as ethnicity, poverty, and identity. Philosophical or religious inclinations such as spiritualism or agnosticism often appear in thematic content as well. In terms of form and structure, modern poems from these regions employ a variety of devices like metaphor, imagery, assonance, personification and alliteration to emphasize lyrical value.
The pieces also frequently utilize syllabic verse forms to give the rhythm greater momentum while building tension with further embellishments in structure. Consequently, modern poems produced in Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore offer an incredible opportunity to experience emotionally resonant narratives crafted with finesse.
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Assignment Brief 5: List the key features of poems.
Poems are one of the most unique and widely beloved pieces of literature. They are typically composed of carefully selected words crafted to illustrate a specific emotion or concept. There are a variety of key features that make poems stand out, such as the use of figurative language, rhyme scheme, meter, symbolism, and imagery. Figurative language is used to enhance the meaning of the poem by evoking comparison through metaphor. Rhyme scheme involves selecting words with a similar sound at the end of each line.
Meter is also important because it determines the rhythm and pace at which the lines flow together throughout a poem. Symbolism and imagery further add depth and layers to convey ideas without having to directly state them in the poem. All these features come together to form an elegant yet powerful mode for expressing feelings in creative ways.
Assignment Brief 6: Illustrate social, economic and political changes impacting modern poetry.
The world of modern poetry has been drastically altered by social, economic and political developments over the last few decades. In particular, mass communication technology has opened up unprecedented opportunities for poets to connect with a wider range of cultures, class experiences and political perspectives than ever before. Social media in particular has enabled both an accelerated rate of interaction between poets and their readerships, as well as a democratization of poetic styles and topics.
In tandem with these technological changes, economic precarity for many contemporary workers has prompted an influx of new themes into the realm of poetry such as debt, precarious employment, stagnated wages and poverty. Political shifts have also had an impact on modern poetry; for example, increasing conservatism around immigration restrictions in many countries has produced a surge in emotionally charged works that express sentiments from the direct experience of immigrants and those experienced vicariously through their work. These countless impacts are continuously contributing to a growing richness in poetry today regarded highly amongst literature circles around the globe.
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