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Updated on: 9th Feb 2023

TLL306 Tamil Poetics SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

The TLL306 Tamil Poetics course offers a unique dynamic for student learners. Not only does it provide an opportunity to explore the various aesthetic qualities of Tamil language and literature, but it also gives us the chance to study how these works have impacted society over time. Throughout the duration of this course, students can expect to delve deeper into Tamil writings and deepen their appreciation for the vibrant yet refined narrative style that is characteristic of the language’s culture.

With each lesson, participants will be challenged to examine and analyze different poetic elements while pushing their own understanding of Tamil poetics forward. Ultimately, this course will prove beneficial to any student looking to strengthen their writing abilities in Tamil, as well as create a memorable learning experience that they can apply in their future endeavors.

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Act fast! Get your TLL306 Tamil Poetics course assignments in before the deadline passes. is here to help you succeed in completing your TLL306 Tamil Poetics course assignments. Beat the deadline and get ahead of the curve by taking advantage of’s high quality services now! Our team of dedicated professionals have years of experience helping students submit their academic assignments on time, so you can rest assured that your assignment will be completed to the highest standards with

Here, we bring to light a few assignment briefs. These include:

Assignment Brief 1: Differentiate types of figures of speech: hyperbole, simile, metaphor and irony. 

Figures of speech are creative expressions used to communicate a desired effect and can be found in everything from literature to ads. Hyperbole is an exaggeration for emphasis and often expressed rhetorically—for example, “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.” Similes are comparisons using like or as—for instance: “the waves crashed against the shore like an applause.” Metaphors associate two seemingly different things without using the words like or as—an example being: “the ship was an ancient warrior.”

Finally, the irony is when someone expresses something which conveys its opposite meaning, often drawing attention to an unexpected result. For example, if something unexpected happens positively you might refer to it as “that’s just ironic”. Although these types of figures of speech might seem similar at first glance, they each carry their own distinct communication messages that bring dynamics and flair to language.

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Assignment Brief 2: Apply theories related to prosody and assess its functions.

Prosody plays an incredibly vital role in communication, as it adds further meaning beyond the words we use. This sub-field of linguistics studies various features of spoken language, such as intonation, rhythm, stress and pitch. Generally speaking, prosodic cues can carry a variety of meaningful information for the listener that helps to indicate which emotion is being expressed or even how certain topics are being discussed.

Therefore, by applying theories related to prosody, we can gain great insight into both our own language style as well as that of others. Ultimately, this provides us with a better understanding of the subtle nuances of human communication and its myriad functions.

Assignment brief 3: Illustrate different types of similes. 

Smilies are a way of comparing two different elements, usually with the use of “like” or “as”. They allow vivid descriptions to be expressed, particularly in creative writing. Some common examples include “calm as a cucumber” and “quick as a hare”, but many more variations exist. Personification similes can be used to give ordinary objects human characteristics, such as “the wind hummed like an opera singer”, or bring attention to an animal’s unique characteristics, such as “she walked bravely like a lion”.

There are also metaphors that are an extended comparison between two unlike entities, such as “time is a thief”. These literary devices encourage the use of the imagination and demonstrate how language can be manipulated for effect.

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Assignment Brief 4: Categorize figures of speech in different poems.

The study of figures of speech in poetry has long been an important and engaging endeavor for literary scholars. By analyzing the linguistic construction of various poetic works, the reader can begin to uncover clues regarding the author’s intent and evoke different interpretations to craft a richer understanding of the poem. This process begins by looking beyond the surface-level interpretation of words and phrases to identify common tropes such as metaphor, irony, hyperbole and simile.

In addition to these more common categorizations, careful analysis can lead readers to discover more complex figures employed by authors – each reinforcing the intended message of individual poems. All together, figures of speech used in a poem can be instrumental in commencing a dialogue that deepens our interpretation and understanding of the written verse.

Assignment Brief 5: Synthesize similes and metaphors.

Similes and metaphors are two powerful tools of expression that have the power to evoke strong emotions in readers. When used together, they can create a vivid image in the mind’s eye, helping to fully capture the intended meaning. By carefully synthesizing these figures of speech, we can effectively paint a picture with just few words.

For example, a simile might be used to compare the intensity of emotions being felt to something tangible and physical, such as “The anger boiled inside me like a cauldron”. Metaphors can be used to describe abstract concepts in a concrete way, such as referring to pain as an “enemy creeping up on me”. By combining these two figures of speech, we can create powerful imagery that allows readers to better empathize with the intended sentiment. In this way, similes and metaphors – when thoughtfully utilized – can provide us with an effective means of communication.

Assignment Brief 6: Summarize poetic components in traditional and new verses.

Poetry has been an important part of literature for many centuries, and over time both traditional and new verses have evolved in their construction. Traditional poetry often incorporates elements such as meter, rhyme, similes and metaphors to convey emotion or ideas in a concise yet powerful way. More modern works may rely on extended metaphors and other literary devices to achieve the same effect, but often place a greater emphasis on conveying the author’s innermost thoughts and feelings. Regardless of the form, poetic components are utilized to create vivid visualizations and spark creative thought in the reader. By using these elements, poets can express their ideas more deeply than with prose alone, allowing us to glean a deeper understanding of their subject matter.

Ultimately, poetry has the unique ability to capture a moment in time and allow us to explore an array of emotions that words alone cannot convey. Through its use of poetic components, it can help us gain insight into the writer’s soul and spark our imaginations. In this way, poetry continues to be a powerful and moving form of expression.

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