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Updated on: 27th Jan 2021

Wellness and weight management industry of Singapore Essay Sample

Today we will engage in discussion about the wellness and weight management industry of the lion-city. We will look into the different aspects of the industry and also the challenges faced by the industry.

The mentality of the people will also be discussed as it is one of the key factors affecting the performance of the wellness and weight management industry of Singapore.

We shall start by discussing the industry in the market of Singapore. So let’s get into it.

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Wellness and weight management industry

In the government statistics, it is observed that there has been a rise in the number of people going to the gym.

A lot of major fitness brands are making their move towards the market of Singapore as there has been a rise in the respective industry.

In this industry, the wearable sector takes first place as wellness and weight management has been able to capture the majority of the market.

Aside from these things, there already exist numerous weight management centers through Singapore, and herb-life being the largest player in this field. It is also noted that this industry will be one of the major sectors of Singapore.

Now that we have some basic knowledge of the wellness and weight management market, we shall gaze upon the mentality of Singapore citizens, looking at how they think and how it affects the market.

The mentality of the People

People of Singapore are being attracted towards a healthier lifestyle. They are looking for whole foods with less harmful ingredients. They are also looking for healthier and natural products.

The people of Singapore gain more belly fat at lower weight as compared to other countries. On top of this, the people of Singapore are seen to very look conscious, especially the females of the city-state. They are working more towards getting a slimmer and attractive look.

According to a survey, 66% of Singapore citizens are trying to lose weight. As there is also a rise in income of the working class.

Hence people are expected to spend more and more towards a healthy lifestyle which will result in further growth of the market.

Now that we have looked at the facts and thinking of the people of Singapore. Let us discuss the challenges faced by brands in the wellness and weight loss industry.

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Now let us discuss the various challenges faced by brands in the wellness and weight management industry and the industry as a whole.

One of the major issues among Singapore companies is building trust as the customer base has little to no trust in companies’ major factor being lack of awareness.

There are wellness and weight management center in huge numbers. This also means that there is huge competition among brands and due to the small size of the city-state, the customer base is also limited. Naturally not each brand can provide every service. Hence giving rise to several issues.


No one can deny that the wellness and weight management sector of Singapore is booming. People’s concern about their looks is going hand in hand with the strong positive growth of the industry which is predicted to be one of the major sectors of the city-state.

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