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Updated on: 6th Aug 2021
Workplace Safety and Health Practices Implementation assignment sample Singapore

Workplace Safety and Health Practices Implementation assignment sample Singapore

Workplace Safety and Health Practices Implementation, or Comply with Workplace Safety and Health Policies and Procedures, is a program developed to train cleaning professionals in applying WSH for the cleaning industry by providing them with occupational health and safety training.

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This allows them to perform services safely in accordance with workplace safety policies while being able to keep up appearances of maintaining an office space.

TOA,TMA,GBA Assignment sample of Workplace Safety and Health Practices Implementation module Singapore

 At the end of this course, Singaporean students will be able to learn Workplace Safety and Health Practices Implementation module with the help of the following learning outcomes:

1.State the importance of WSH.

The importance of workplace safety and health goes well beyond your personal or company’s bottom line. This is an issue that impacts everyone, now and in the future. Every person you employ has a role to play in educating their fellow co-workers about workplace safety. It’s not just the responsibility of administration – it’s everyone’s job!

Workplace organizations have created campaigns around this responsibility like “We Take Care.” And at one point, businesses were required by law to conduct safe work site audits under Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) law standards every 12 months.

Sadly, with federal budget cuts over the last three decades workers often go from injury to injury without any effective prevention equipment or administrative oversight. Workers compensation claims have increased, production rates remain the same, and injuries on the job continue to cost money.

2.Identify risks, hazards and unsafe acts present in the work environment.

Risks are potential dangers, such as from machinery; hazards will be situations or occurrences that have the potential for causing injury and property damage; unsafe acts are also activities employees might do, but which could potentially cause accidents. All three of these contribute to workplace injuries and fatalities.

Unsafe acts include behaviors such as smoking during work hours, using knives improperly while at work, or walking on elevated walkways with a blindfold on. To avoid risks in your workplace environment, do you routine safety checks before starting any new project. Hazards should be addressed through training and adherence to safety standards via signage about prohibited unsafe activity areas (such as no access to electrical panels without a trained electrician present).

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3.Participate in WSH practices within scope of own role and responsibilities, to prevent accidents or minimize risks.

The individual is responsible for participation in WSH practices within the scope of their own work responsibilities. The individual may also designate an alternate person, with PV1 or higher authorization, to perform this responsibility on a regular basis. For more specific duties related to environmental safety please refer to your site Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the Environmental Sustainability Programs Department.

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4.Raise unsafe acts or conditions with supervisor according to company procedures.

The company should have a system for handling these issues. Raise unsafe acts or conditions with supervisor according to company procedures.

Contact your HR representative and/or other individuals in different departments who handle human resources and legal issues, depending on what lines you may not be comfortable crossing because of reasons such as personal safety.

It is crucial to refrain from talking about the specifics of any situation that could put yourself at risk, before exploring all possible options available through communication within the organization’s formal channels without ever mentioning their name during these discussions directly or indirectly with someone at great risk for hearing more than they are authorized to know and potentially using it against them in an act of retaliation.

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